Tag Archives: yoga

Dream consultation by email and a tale of two feathers

I get the message. Or should I say, I got the message, through a series of emails I received from various people, and through the tale of two feathers, which I am about to share. What was the message? Well, you probably noticed part of it, emblazoned in the title of this short blog, but

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Ikea meets Apple meets Hanuman

When change is in the air, are you a baby steps kind of person or a giant leap of faith kind of person? Or do you dig deeper into the comfort of familiar territory and resist change? I’m going to share three stories. One is about yoga and a Hindu God, one is about a

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Perfect but for one little thing

Three ideas for today’s blog jostled in my head, but which to choose? It was one of those perfect mornings, just back from yoga, sipping coffee in a garden still wet from overnight rain, a balmy breeze, birds chirping happily as they flitted through the trees feasting on the array of delicacies rain brings, just

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Episode 123 The Dream Show: Solar eclipse

Ann is my guest with a vivid dream where she returns to her childhood neighbourhood and witnesses a miraculous solar eclipse. In the dream, she and John, a friend from her church, follow the solar eclipse with a discussion about yoga, maths, english, and an abstract drawing in a notepad. All this during a short

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Backwards or forwards?

This morning, I sat in the bow end of a small speedboat, my back to the direction of travel, as we idled along a broad river. A perfect cooling breeze, a heavenly way to start the day. An elderly man sat on the riverbank, singing the boat into motion. This was a dream, of course.

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