Tag Archives: worm

Dreamvolution – help with facing change

When life presents you with change, how do you usually respond? Do you resist, hanging on to the way you have always done things, sticking to the routines and habits that have always worked for you? Or do you jump right in, eager for something new, tossing the old way aside without so much as

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Episode 133 The Dream Show: Dream stories and breakfast radio

Dreams of worms, snakes, rats, ghosts, and bare bottoms, and what they mean, have all been topics on breakfast radio or drive radio when I’ve been on air as the dream expert, taking calls from listeners or interpreting presenters’ dreams. I enjoy radio work, and over the last couple of decades have discussed, interpreted, or

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Nipple worms & radio experts

“I dreamed that a two inch worm wriggled out of my nipple,” said Kerry, who called a radio breakfast show where I was interpreting dreams. Parasites seemed to be the order of the day, as I had just helped Brig, one of the presenters, understand her dream of picking lice from a sports star’s hair. Lice

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