Tag Archives: water

Episode 210 The Dream Show: Driving from the back seat

Cynthia, from St Louis, Missouri, is my guest with a dream about finding herself in the back seat of a car, traveling downhill fast, with no driver. Summoning pure will, she got the car to slow down, turn in the required direction, and stop. She got out, settled herself into the driving seat, and noticed

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I have just emailed Issue 200 of our monthly Dream Sight News out to our subscribers, and shared the article I wrote for our first issue, back on 11.11.1998. The story is old, but still true. I guess it’s the story behind my dream sight, my in-sight. I called the article I-Sight, and thought I’d

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Otherwise, other wise

Bath time, when my children were very small, was great fun until the moment came to lift them from the water. They never wanted to get out. Eventually I found the happy solution. “Who’s going to take the plug out, you or me?” I’d ask. “Me! Me! I want to!” would come the unerring reply.

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Dream catching

Today I was honoured to receive the first ‘dream catcher wristlet’, a signature piece, designed by Wendy Dugan of Sanctus Stones, to enhance dream recall. One of the stones featured in the piece is prehnite, a pale green crystal with darker green streaks suspended below the surface, like seaweed. Nested amongst seed pearls, amethysts and

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