Tag Archives: wall

Sting’s Dream of the Blue Turtles

How creative is your dreaming mind at weaving what’s happening around you while you sleep into a dream? Someone knocking on your door, an alarm clock that fails to wake you, a snoring partner, a cooking smell, a cold blast of air, can all find their ways into a dream, but usually in a surreal

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The open door

Twenty-one years ago, I dreamed I was trying to get into a building by pushing through one of its solid brick walls. It was hard work that got me nowhere at all. All it did was exhaust me. I stood back, walked around the house, and discovered an open door. I realised that the door

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Killer ghosts

“I dreamed ghosts were coming out from the walls and mirrors upstairs, killing people,” said Lynn, who called Radio 2GB this week when I was interpreting dreams on Chris Smith’s afternoon show. “In the dream, I thought I have to get mum to come and clean the house,” she added. What does it mean? Lynn

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Episode 72 The Dream Show: A DSDD workout

My guest, Dail, shares her experience of running one of her dreams through our DIY free interpretation program. (Note, April 2013: After 13 years of use we’ve now retired this program.) You pop your dream in one end, answer some short, simple questions, and emerge at the other end of the process with a clearer

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