Tag Archives: violence

Teaching school students how to understand their dreams

What did you learn about dreams and nightmares when you were at school? Nothing, I’ll bet. Can you remember some of the dreams that puzzled, worried, or frightened you as a young child and as a young adult? Did you talk about them? Was anyone able to help ease your mind, and give you practical

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Episode 148 The Dream Show: Intense emotions in dreams

We begin with the light-hearted, a bit of fun and a laugh to illustrate just how far the unconscious can go to try to save us from feeling pain, yet how that same unconscious can speak loud and clear in waking life once you know how to look and listen. It speaks even more clearly

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Episode 144 The Dream Show: Relationship Breakup Dreams

Katie is my guest asking about a dream she had the night after breaking up with her boyfriend. In the dream, her boyfriend carries on with another girl at a party as if Katie’s invisible. She’s so angry that she violently throws another girl onto her back, again and again, while the girl just laughs

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Cheating dreams

Video opens in a new window “I dreamed my partner was cheating on me. It felt so real. Should I confront him? Please help.” Every week I receive at least one email asking me about cheating dreams. So, what’s the answer? Is the dream picking up on the partner’s actual cheating behaviour or unfulfilled desires?

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