Tag Archives: unresolved

Dream interpretation: choosing a dream

“How do I know which dream to start with?” emailed Tim, eager to begin applying some of my techniques. Tim remembers four or five dreams a night, and realises that working in depth with one dream a day would be too much. “I was hoping you might answer my question in a blog,” she said.

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Rewiring the brain with Dream Alchemy

Imagine you have a dream about climbing an endless staircase, one that doubles back on itself just when the last step is in sight, or one that twists like a mobius strip, or tricks the eye like an Escher print. It’s quite a common dream, and, like all unresolved dreams, it reflects an unresolved situation

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How to use recurring dreams to resolve practical life issues

What kind of practical results can you expect to see in your life when you understand a dream and apply dream alchemy? Last month I was a guest on Ruby and Dave’s breakfast show on Radio 94.9, chatting about dreams and taking calls from listeners. One of the callers, Ian, asked about a recurring dream

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