Tag Archives: unconscious

When affirmations and visualisations fail

How many times have you set an intention and created an affirmation or visualisation to guide its manifestation, only to fail or even magnify the problem? Here’s a simple example. You decide it’s time to get serious about losing some weight. You decide to do this by changing to a healthier diet. It’s all quite

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Episode 148 The Dream Show: Intense emotions in dreams

We begin with the light-hearted, a bit of fun and a laugh to illustrate just how far the unconscious can go to try to save us from feeling pain, yet how that same unconscious can speak loud and clear in waking life once you know how to look and listen. It speaks even more clearly

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Episode 146 The Dream Show: It will come to you

What comes to you in your life, and how do you feel about it? What would you like to come to you – to attract into your life? What do you do to try to make this happen? Are you succeeding, or are you just experiencing same-old? How can working with your dreams and dream

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Rewiring the brain with Dream Alchemy

Imagine you have a dream about climbing an endless staircase, one that doubles back on itself just when the last step is in sight, or one that twists like a mobius strip, or tricks the eye like an Escher print. It’s quite a common dream, and, like all unresolved dreams, it reflects an unresolved situation

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Dream Alchemy in Phnom Penh

I was in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, last month, giving a workshop on Dream Therapy to creative arts therapists, which attracted Phoenix Jay of Phnom Penh’s The Advisor to interview me for their cover story. It’s a broad ranging yet deep interview, which includes a discussion of trauma, Jung, Freud, and an interpretation of Phoenix’s recurring

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Camouflage and the facts of life

I was looking through the window, settling into blog-writing mode while watching the play of sunlight and shade move across a particularly beautiful rock, when I realised that part of the rock wasn’t rock at all. It was a large, sunbathing, frilled lizard. I tried shifting my gaze in an effort to blend him back

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Episode 134 The Dream Show: Alchemy for all seasons

You’ve heard a lot from me about the healing power of dream alchemy, but can alchemy techniques be used for healing or personal development outside the realm of symbolic dreams? To set the scene and remind you what dream alchemy is, there’s the story of a dream alchemy visualisation I did for one of my

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Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) nightmares: a cure?

Are dreams always symbolic? What about recurring nightmares in which the dreamer relives an actual traumatic experience, over and over again, sometimes several times a week, often for decades? This can be the case for people with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder, a type of anxiety disorder following a traumatic experience). How can these replay

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