Tag Archives: tsunami

Understanding children’s dreams

“I have a three year old patient who is having vivid nightmares of things he has never seen or experienced, like children trapped in a large hole, or something very violent like killing. He has never seen anything violent or scary, or had experiences of these.” I received this enquiry last week. The practitioner asked

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Even mountains flow

Even mountains flow. What does this mean to you? How do mountains flow in the physical world? Count the ways before reading on. We might think of mountains as solid, reliably static defining features of our landscape. We might chip away at them, quarrying rock, building roads, blasting tunnels, but still think of the mountain itself as

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When you wake up crying

Video opens in a new window When you wake up crying real tears, or simply feeling profoundly sad for no apparent reason, it’s because you have finally touched upon some buried grief through a dream. You may have released all the grief, or there may be more to come. Either way, when you wake up

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Navigating changing times

“Global tidal wave of 70,000 job cuts,” announced the online news. “The tsunami of layoffs started in Europe …” Instantly I got the picture. It’s a metaphor that works. It describes a giant ripple effect of job loss caused by a seismic tremor in the global economy. It also describes the emotional impact felt or

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Dream interpretation: Theme alchemy

No, it’s not a drunken, lisped take on ‘dream alchemy’. It’s a way of reading across your dreams, instead of considering each dream individually. It helps you to find light when you need it most. Here’s an example from my life. It’s the story of three waves. Once upon a time, I had three dreams

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Episode 35 The Dream Show: Tsunami dreams and what they mean

Have you ever faced a tsunami or giant tidal wave in a dream? What happened? It’s a very common, recurring dream theme, so what does it mean? Whether or not you’ve had this dream, there’s plenty of insight you can take forward from today’s episode to help soothe troubled waters in troubling times. Listen to

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