Tag Archives: synchronicity

Episode 226 The Dream Show: Navigating the path

Welcome to my world, as I explore one of my synchronicity stories and two of my dreams, imparting interpretation tips while sharing stories from my life, past, present, and future. How can you use your dreams and spine-tingling synchronicities to help navigate your path? And here’s a hot-off-the-press addition to the synchronicity related in this

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Episode 214 The Dream Show: Ancient history to modern mystery

We begin around 2,500 years ago, looking at how the Ancient Greeks worked with their dreams to diagnose physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues, and to effect cures through processes evocative of our present-day dream therapy and dream alchemy practices. We then take a side road to explore the symbolism of snakes before drawing up

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Episode 204 The Dream Show: Science, Mystery, and Meaning

We blend the science of dreaming with the mysteries of synchronicity to distil clarity and meaningfulness from a dream I had earlier this year. There’s nothing like synchronicity to jolt you into new levels of awareness, or to drive you deeper into an appreciation of life’s mysteries, and when that synchronicity relates to a surreal

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