Tag Archives: symbol

To dream of death means …

“My mum says that when you dream of death it means there’s going to be a birth in the family,” said Georgie, although she was clearly disturbed about her own dream of a gravestone freshly engraved with an illegible name. I was interpreting dreams on Mix 106.3FM Canberra’s Breakfast Show earlier this week, and Georgie

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Episode 142 Pythons in the backyard

Nicole is my guest with a dream about pythons writing in her backyard, and if that’s not dramatic enough for a scary dream, how about that sabre tooth tiger that emerges from the bushland? Oh, and did I mention unicorns? People often ask “what does it mean to dream of snakes?” There is no universal

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Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) nightmares: a cure?

Are dreams always symbolic? What about recurring nightmares in which the dreamer relives an actual traumatic experience, over and over again, sometimes several times a week, often for decades? This can be the case for people with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder, a type of anxiety disorder following a traumatic experience). How can these replay

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Dream catcher machine

Imagine downloading movie clips of your dreams each morning. “What did you dream last night?” “No idea. Hang on a minute, I’ll have a look.” Research published this month in the journal Current Biology has led to speculation that this may be possible in decades to come. While no-one has yet captured footage of dreams,

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Love your bad dreams

Here’s a simple formula to apply when you have an unsettling or frightening dream and you want to reduce the chances of having it again. Actually, it’s far more powerful than this. Not only does this formula ease your dreams, it also creates deep and lasting positive change in your waking life by subtly reprogramming

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