Tag Archives: spirit

Episode 160 The Dream Show: I dreamed I had died

My guest, Alexandra, dreamed she had died. She stood on the path outside the church, and calmly watched the priests emerge from the funeral service into the courtyard, dressed in celebration regalia emblazoned with a glowing fleur-de-lys pattern. They walked in her direction, carrying trays of silver containers, as if bringing her – in her

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Messages from the other side?

When someone who has died appears to you in a dream, are they communicating with you from spirit, or are these dreams symbolic? Dreaming of a loved one after death can be the most precious, comforting, uplifting experience, especially when the dream is full of love, embraces, and tender messages, and when the person looks

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Things that go bump in the night

Ever woken to eerie sounds in the night, or a feeling of your skin being touched when you’re sleeping alone, or been scared out of your wits when you’ve opened your eyes to see ghosts or strange things going on in your bedroom? As utterly convincing and frightening as these sensations are, it’s important to

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Episode 116 The Dream Show: Haunted house

Our August show features Emily, from Northern California, with a dream about moving into a new but dusty house. While cleaning, she discovers a dark hallway with a poker table and some lumberjacks from the 1850s. “How exciting, a haunted house!” she tells her husband, in the dream. There’s an animal and some clue-bearing numbers

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The Dream Show: Episode 22 Dreams of death, dying and the departed

Dreams of Death, Dying and the Departed. This week’s episode is for our many listeners who have asked for more specific details about death dreams. Instead of talking with a guest dreamer, we discuss dreams of death, dying and the departed – including dreams of haunting and evil presences. These common, scary dreams, once understood,

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