Tag Archives: spaceship

Episode 162 The Dream Show: The hidden key

My guest, Domonique, asks about a dream that begins with a trip in a car that looks like a spaceship and ends with her firm refusal to be a witness for the Court Marshalls against her friend, Jules. “I’m older than I look,” she states, richly, and melodiously, standing her ground. There are two hidden

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Episode 124 The Dream Show: Spacecraft

Jason from Seattle dreamed of viewing the magnificence of outer space from a spacecraft, before landing back on Earth. He had been abducted by aliens, and knew they would find him again. Back home there’s maths homework to do, a blood transfusion to endure against his will, and a sense of deep sadness connected with

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Dream interpretation: End of the world

  Many people dream of the end of the world and get really scared, assuming they’ve previewed a coming reality, but, of course, dreams are symbolic. Here’s a short one posted to the one-day dream forum last month, followed by my interpretation. “I’ve been having constant dreams about aliens arriving, and/or aliens influencing our lives. I

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