Tag Archives: slip of the tongue

Dream interpretation: Let it flow – slippery secrets revealed

Sometimes it pays not to think too hard when writing about your dream in your journal, recording it in audio, or recounting it to a partner or friend. Let loose a little with your handwriting or typing, speed it up and don’t worry about spelling mistakes, grammar, or typos. When telling someone about your dream,

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Radio 5AA, Adelaide: Former glory

Words can be very telling, especially the words we use to describe our dreams. They often come direct from our unconscious mind – perfect keys to interpretation. So next time someone is telling you about a dream, listen for those tell-tale words. Alison called Radio 5AA last week when I was interpreting dreams on Amanda

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Radio ABC Victoria: Joy flight

“I dream of flying a single propeller plane,” said David, who called me this afternoon on Kathy Bedford’s Statewide Drive show on Radio ABC Victoria. “I take off and although I don’t know how to drive it, I land it safely.” David feels ecstatic in his recurring dream. I’m sure David said ‘drive’ not ‘fly’,

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