Tag Archives: sleep paralysis

Episode 168 The Dream Show: Grandmother’s bones

Gay is my guest with a dream about going into a dark cave to look for her grandmother’s bones, discovering, to her delight, American Indian cave drawings, following these deeper into the darkness, only to be led to a terrifying demon. At this point Gay tried to wake up from her dream, but she was

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Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) nightmares: a cure?

Are dreams always symbolic? What about recurring nightmares in which the dreamer relives an actual traumatic experience, over and over again, sometimes several times a week, often for decades? This can be the case for people with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder, a type of anxiety disorder following a traumatic experience). How can these replay

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Bad dreams & dementia?

Recent research has got people all excited about a possible link between people who thrash about in bed while they’re dreaming and the later development of dementia, in particular, Parkinson’s Disease.  Here’s a video clip (2019: Video clip no longer available) of me talking about this on The Morning Show, Channel 7, this morning. So let’s

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