Tag Archives: shadow

Rainbow shades of grey

“Why do we dream in black and white?” It’s a question I’m often asked, and it always makes me smile. “We don’t,” I reply. “You don’t remember noticing colours in your dreams, so you assume you dream in black and white. And shades of grey. But now you know you can dream in colour, you

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Asking God about thunder

Emma dreamed that she could ask God one question about the world. She considered, deeply, and then decided. “Where does thunder come from?” By this time in her dream, God had become a more earthly Australian actor, Chris Hemsworth. He indicated the sky, teeming with rhinos. What have rhinos got to do with cause of

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Things that go bump in the night

Ever woken to eerie sounds in the night, or a feeling of your skin being touched when you’re sleeping alone, or been scared out of your wits when you’ve opened your eyes to see ghosts or strange things going on in your bedroom? As utterly convincing and frightening as these sensations are, it’s important to

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Blinded by the light

It’s that time of the year here in Australia. It’s midwinter*(see footnote!), the air is clear and dry and the sunlight is blinding. There’s no summer humidity to water down the glare, and the widening hole in the ozone layer down this end doesn’t help. I need a new pair of sunglasses. Which would you

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