Tag Archives: science

Rewiring the brain with Dream Alchemy

Imagine you have a dream about climbing an endless staircase, one that doubles back on itself just when the last step is in sight, or one that twists like a mobius strip, or tricks the eye like an Escher print. It’s quite a common dream, and, like all unresolved dreams, it reflects an unresolved situation

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Episode 141 The Psychic and Chancellor Angela Merkel

My guest, Susan, brings her richly entertaining dream to the show for interpretation and insight. The action all takes place on campus at an ivy-covered science building, where a psychic is on stage, sharing knowing glances with Susan. There’s breaking news, drums beating out a protest, and pandemonium when Susan is accused of being an

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Episode 132 The Dream Show: Open your eyes

Isn’t it interesting that when we see something new, we first try to fit it with what we already know? Our tendency is to categorise this with that, to file today’s experiences to fit in with yesterday’s, to make sense of our world by making it connect with the picture we have been building, day

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Rainbow shades of grey

“Why do we dream in black and white?” It’s a question I’m often asked, and it always makes me smile. “We don’t,” I reply. “You don’t remember noticing colours in your dreams, so you assume you dream in black and white. And shades of grey. But now you know you can dream in colour, you

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Dream catcher machine

Imagine downloading movie clips of your dreams each morning. “What did you dream last night?” “No idea. Hang on a minute, I’ll have a look.” Research published this month in the journal Current Biology has led to speculation that this may be possible in decades to come. While no-one has yet captured footage of dreams,

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The science of dream interpretation

“You’re an interesting contradiction, a scientist who interprets dreams,” said Ian Kath, host of the podcast chat show Your Story – How others play the game of life. “I’d love to interview you and throw you some curly questions.” Of course I agreed, and Ian released our interview this week as episode 59, Jane Teresa.

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