Tag Archives: sabotage

Silent voices

“You’ll live to regret it if you don’t try,” “It’s too risky,” “Change is good,” “You’ll lose everything you’ve worked for,” “It’s everything you’ve ever worked for,” “Better to be safe than sorry,” “You’ll get hurt again,” “You’ll be happy,” “Opportunities like this come once in a lifetime,” “It looks too good to be true,”

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Episode 154 The Dream Show: How to do dream alchemy

I’ve prepared this mix of the light-hearted, the deeply fascinating, and the ‘how to’ practicalities for you this episode, all on the theme of dream alchemy. Dream alchemy is a way of communicating with your unconscious mind to transform beliefs that are not serving you well. It works by speaking the same language as your

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When affirmations and visualisations fail

How many times have you set an intention and created an affirmation or visualisation to guide its manifestation, only to fail or even magnify the problem? Here’s a simple example. You decide it’s time to get serious about losing some weight. You decide to do this by changing to a healthier diet. It’s all quite

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Hole in the road

Out driving recently, we slowed down to pass road works. Orange witches’ hats marked off a hole in the centre of the road. Intrepid road workers were jack-hammering their way, waist deep in rubble, ear deep in mind numbing noise. “You know,” Michael began, “whenever we passed road works when we were children, Dad would

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Dream vibrations and the LOA

I am often asked about the Law of Attraction, and whether nightmares and dreams with negative vibes attract negative people and events into our lives. It’s a good question. So, let’s explore: Books about the Law of Attraction have enjoyed waves of popularity since the early 1900s, with a recent resurgence in the early 1990s

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What drives you to get out of bed in the morning? Hunger for food, a full bladder, a sense of duty, a need to earn money, a passion for your work, your baby’s cry, fear of being late for work, hunger for success, a sense of adventure? Before reading on, have a think about all

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