Tag Archives: recurring

A year of dreams

Every morning for a year, Seattle conceptual performance artist Amy-Ellen Flatchestedmama Trefsger recorded her dreams to video. Bleary eyed, yawning, and honouring her commitment for arts sake not to look in the mirror before recording, she notched up over 170 dreams across 52 weekly videos. She titled her project, Sharing My Subconscious, and asked me

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What does dreaming of losing teeth mean?

“My recurring dream is gross. I lose all my teeth,” said Chloe, calling into the dream segment on the PowerPack Breakfast show. “How common is this type of dream, and what does it mean?” I’ve been doing this segment long enough now for the show’s presenters, Steve and Abbey, to kick off with good questions.

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Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) nightmares: a cure?

Are dreams always symbolic? What about recurring nightmares in which the dreamer relives an actual traumatic experience, over and over again, sometimes several times a week, often for decades? This can be the case for people with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder, a type of anxiety disorder following a traumatic experience). How can these replay

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How to use recurring dreams to resolve practical life issues

What kind of practical results can you expect to see in your life when you understand a dream and apply dream alchemy? Last month I was a guest on Ruby and Dave’s breakfast show on Radio 94.9, chatting about dreams and taking calls from listeners. One of the callers, Ian, asked about a recurring dream

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2012 Wake up call

What’s your recurring dream? If you’ve been following my blog, listening to my podcasts, and reading my books, and you’re still experiencing a recurring dream, today’s post is your wake up call. It’s time to put what you’ve been learning into action if you want to enjoy life changing results in 2012! Let’s review the

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Dream interpretation: Radio 2UE, Finding home

Vanessa called Radio 2UE when I was interpreting dreams on Tim Webster’s afternoon show earlier this month, to ask about her recurring dream which she’d been having for six months. She was intrigued because a previous caller had asked about her recurring dream of never being able to find the right train station, or catch

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Dream interpretation: Recurring dreams

Do you have a recurring dream theme? I asked this question on my Facebook page on Monday, to gather some material for today’s blog and to provide some glimpses into what these dreams mean. So thanks for your contributions, guys, and read on! First up, remember that a dream reflects your conscious and unconscious experiences

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Episode 52 The Dream Show: Moving forward

This episode is about moving forward, freed by alchemy. When you do alchemy, your dreams reflect the deep changes. Of course, you’ll notice changes in your waking life – some subtle, but hugely powerful, some more dramatic – but it’s always exciting to see confirmation of the changes in your dreams. One of the first

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Episode 35 The Dream Show: Tsunami dreams and what they mean

Have you ever faced a tsunami or giant tidal wave in a dream? What happened? It’s a very common, recurring dream theme, so what does it mean? Whether or not you’ve had this dream, there’s plenty of insight you can take forward from today’s episode to help soothe troubled waters in troubling times. Listen to

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