Tag Archives: perspective

Episode 172 The Dream Show: Trying to stay in control of my car

Karen is my guest with a scary dream about trying to stay in control of her car. She notices the fuel is low, but how low exactly? Has she got enough petrol to get home or is she close to running on empty? Her body is in the driver’s seat but suddenly her mind is

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Episode 169 The Dream Show: Three scorpions

“You don’t have enough nightmares on The Dream Show,” said Abigail, my guest in this episode, “so I’m bringing mine, a nightmare about three scorpions.” The dream is scary enough, as Abigail notices three scorpions in her bedroom, and zooms in, in the nightmare, to their shiny black stinging tails. One has her cornered. Should

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I have just emailed Issue 200 of our monthly Dream Sight News out to our subscribers, and shared the article I wrote for our first issue, back on 11.11.1998. The story is old, but still true. I guess it’s the story behind my dream sight, my in-sight. I called the article I-Sight, and thought I’d

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The world is

Finish this statement using just one word: “The world is …” Maybe your word was big, or round, or polluted, or over-crowded, or dying, or abundant, or hopeful, or breathing, or alive, or beautiful, or exciting, or changing. You would probably choose a different word on a different day, or at a different hour, depending

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Episode 158 The Dream Show: A house with potential

Meet Lisa, my guest, who dreamed of a derelict house with a mix of funky and antique furniture, and great views from the steeply sloping garden. Should they buy the house? There were pros and cons, and because this was a dream, some of the cons were pretty outrageous: beds floating in an elevator shaft,

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