Tag Archives: past

Episode 215 The Dream Show: The shaman, the beast, and the nature of time

As we approach the tenth anniversary of The Dream Show, we look back at how it all began before sweeping into a theme of how past, present, and future intertwine in our dreams and in waking life. You’ll meet a shaman and a boy-beast from my dreams, and discover how I worked out what they

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Dream interpretation: choosing a dream

“How do I know which dream to start with?” emailed Tim, eager to begin applying some of my techniques. Tim remembers four or five dreams a night, and realises that working in depth with one dream a day would be too much. “I was hoping you might answer my question in a blog,” she said.

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Killer ghosts

“I dreamed ghosts were coming out from the walls and mirrors upstairs, killing people,” said Lynn, who called Radio 2GB this week when I was interpreting dreams on Chris Smith’s afternoon show. “In the dream, I thought I have to get mum to come and clean the house,” she added. What does it mean? Lynn

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When you wake up crying

Video opens in a new window When you wake up crying real tears, or simply feeling profoundly sad for no apparent reason, it’s because you have finally touched upon some buried grief through a dream. You may have released all the grief, or there may be more to come. Either way, when you wake up

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Episode 116 The Dream Show: Haunted house

Our August show features Emily, from Northern California, with a dream about moving into a new but dusty house. While cleaning, she discovers a dark hallway with a poker table and some lumberjacks from the 1850s. “How exciting, a haunted house!” she tells her husband, in the dream. There’s an animal and some clue-bearing numbers

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Dream interpretation: Recurring dreams

Do you have a recurring dream theme? I asked this question on my Facebook page on Monday, to gather some material for today’s blog and to provide some glimpses into what these dreams mean. So thanks for your contributions, guys, and read on! First up, remember that a dream reflects your conscious and unconscious experiences

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