Tag Archives: number

Episode 159 The Dream Show: The old and the new

Patti, my guest, was keen talk about her dream because she’s at a pivotal point in her life. She’s taking time out, making major decisions, and wanting to gather as much insight as she can to assist her in creating the shape of her future. Patti has worked with me before on a dream and

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Episode 125 The Dream Show: Mystery prize

Alicia, my guest from Atlanta, Georgia, dreamed of winning a prize that led her on a mystery journey. Listen as we piece together the elements she encountered along the way: the red tinted photographs, the light under the garage door, the significant numbers and directions, the distinguished faces, Carmen the neighbour, Debra the team mate.

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When you wake up crying

Video opens in a new window When you wake up crying real tears, or simply feeling profoundly sad for no apparent reason, it’s because you have finally touched upon some buried grief through a dream. You may have released all the grief, or there may be more to come. Either way, when you wake up

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Episode 116 The Dream Show: Haunted house

Our August show features Emily, from Northern California, with a dream about moving into a new but dusty house. While cleaning, she discovers a dark hallway with a poker table and some lumberjacks from the 1850s. “How exciting, a haunted house!” she tells her husband, in the dream. There’s an animal and some clue-bearing numbers

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Watch my lips

What you need to know is right in front of you, and in your dreams, if you know how to look. The tricky bit is that the reason you are seeing a problem instead of a solution, darkness instead of light, is that your vision is blocked by your expectations, especially your unconscious expectations. Your

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Nipple worms & radio experts

“I dreamed that a two inch worm wriggled out of my nipple,” said Kerry, who called a radio breakfast show where I was interpreting dreams. Parasites seemed to be the order of the day, as I had just helped Brig, one of the presenters, understand her dream of picking lice from a sports star’s hair. Lice

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