Tag Archives: nightmare

Dream medicine

Close your eyes, it’s late in the evening, and time for your dream medicine. Here we go, counting down now, ten, nine, eight, relaxing, floating deeply down, let the healing begin. No drugs required, but the prescription is clear: dream. Sometimes the medicine is sweet and tasty, a deliciously sensual dream gifting grace and restoration,

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Episode 169 The Dream Show: Three scorpions

“You don’t have enough nightmares on The Dream Show,” said Abigail, my guest in this episode, “so I’m bringing mine, a nightmare about three scorpions.” The dream is scary enough, as Abigail notices three scorpions in her bedroom, and zooms in, in the nightmare, to their shiny black stinging tails. One has her cornered. Should

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Teaching school students how to understand their dreams

What did you learn about dreams and nightmares when you were at school? Nothing, I’ll bet. Can you remember some of the dreams that puzzled, worried, or frightened you as a young child and as a young adult? Did you talk about them? Was anyone able to help ease your mind, and give you practical

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Beyond cure and prevention

What drives you to consult a doctor, therapist, or counsellor? Do you book an appointment when you’re sick, suffering, stressed, blocked, or faced with a conflict or problem you can’t solve? Do you book seeking a cure for your ills, physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual? Do you also consult when you are feeling well, seeking

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Episode 137 The Dream Show: Things that go bump in the night

Have you ever woken from a dream only to find yourself in another dream? At first you think you are awake, but it slowly dawns on you that you’re still dreaming. And then it happens again, and again, until you might be excused, on finally waking up, to question your reality. Are you awake or

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A Nightmare on Elm Street

“What does the nightmare in A Nightmare on Elm Street mean?” asked Steve and Abbey, presenters of the PowerPack breakfast show where I interpret callers’ dreams. I’m a movie lover, but horror is not my genre, and it took a few arm twists before I agreed to download it so I could answer the question.

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Episode 134 The Dream Show: Alchemy for all seasons

You’ve heard a lot from me about the healing power of dream alchemy, but can alchemy techniques be used for healing or personal development outside the realm of symbolic dreams? To set the scene and remind you what dream alchemy is, there’s the story of a dream alchemy visualisation I did for one of my

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Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) nightmares: a cure?

Are dreams always symbolic? What about recurring nightmares in which the dreamer relives an actual traumatic experience, over and over again, sometimes several times a week, often for decades? This can be the case for people with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder, a type of anxiety disorder following a traumatic experience). How can these replay

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Episode 128 The Dream Show: When redundancy threatens and nightmares begin

Around 20,000 public servants with permanent or long term contracts in Brisbane are expected to lose their jobs over the coming weeks. Some already know their fate, while others turn up to work each day not knowing whether their job will be axed or retained. What kind of dreams are they experiencing as they go

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