Tag Archives: move

Episode 170 The Dream Show: Moving in a whole new way

How do you respond when the winds of change sweep your way? Do you hold back in fear, look for an escape route, try to put off the inevitable, fight to stand your ground, defend and strengthen the status quo, take a giant leap of faith and let the winds of change carry you, or

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Ikea meets Apple meets Hanuman

When change is in the air, are you a baby steps kind of person or a giant leap of faith kind of person? Or do you dig deeper into the comfort of familiar territory and resist change? I’m going to share three stories. One is about yoga and a Hindu God, one is about a

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Episode 161 The Dream Show: How to move past stuck

Is there one area in your life where you feel stuck, or one problem that you can’t fix no matter how many different solutions you try? In this episode, we go back to basics to see how your dreams can help you to move the apparently immoveable, to solve the apparently unsolvable. Enjoy this mix

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