Tag Archives: lesson

Teaching school students how to understand their dreams

What did you learn about dreams and nightmares when you were at school? Nothing, I’ll bet. Can you remember some of the dreams that puzzled, worried, or frightened you as a young child and as a young adult? Did you talk about them? Was anyone able to help ease your mind, and give you practical

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The open door

Twenty-one years ago, I dreamed I was trying to get into a building by pushing through one of its solid brick walls. It was hard work that got me nowhere at all. All it did was exhaust me. I stood back, walked around the house, and discovered an open door. I realised that the door

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Life lessons

“Are we meant to learn lessons from our dreams?” asked Cheryl, in an email I received this week. It’s a good question, both simple and complex, and one many people ask. So, are we meant to learn lessons from our dreams? I’ve been watching Isobel, my eight month old granddaughter, learning to crawl. You might

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Otherwise, other wise

Bath time, when my children were very small, was great fun until the moment came to lift them from the water. They never wanted to get out. Eventually I found the happy solution. “Who’s going to take the plug out, you or me?” I’d ask. “Me! Me! I want to!” would come the unerring reply.

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Episode 35 The Dream Show: Tsunami dreams and what they mean

Have you ever faced a tsunami or giant tidal wave in a dream? What happened? It’s a very common, recurring dream theme, so what does it mean? Whether or not you’ve had this dream, there’s plenty of insight you can take forward from today’s episode to help soothe troubled waters in troubling times. Listen to

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