Tag Archives: Jung

Tell me about your dream

“We welcome dream reader, Jane Teresa, onto the breakfast show,” a radio presenter announced earlier this morning, and I had to smile to myself: there it was again, call it synchronicity, a prod from the universe, or meaningful coincidence, those two words, dream reader, gave me the thumbs up for the blog idea I had

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Dream Alchemy in Phnom Penh

I was in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, last month, giving a workshop on Dream Therapy to creative arts therapists, which attracted Phoenix Jay of Phnom Penh’s The Advisor to interview me for their cover story. It’s a broad ranging yet deep interview, which includes a discussion of trauma, Jung, Freud, and an interpretation of Phoenix’s recurring

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Episode 129 The Dream Show: A bigger life

How can your dreams help you to live a bigger life, and what might that bigger life look like? What kind of practical results can you expect to see when you understand a dream and apply dream alchemy? How might your relationship, work, finances, and communication – just for starters – change for the better,

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A Dangerous Method

Have you seen A Dangerous Method*, the movie about Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung’s intense relationship from first meeting, through the birth of psychoanalysis, to their professional and personal falling out? Along the way, Jung (Michael Fassbender), shares some of his dreams with Freud (Viggo Mortensen), and you might enjoy, as I did at the

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Episode 115 The Dream Show: Hippocrates, Freud & Jung

Imagine getting Freud, Jung, and Hippocrates (a dream healer from around 2,300 years ago who became immortalized as the Father of Modern Medicine) into a room together to interpret a dream. They’d all have different views. Where would they agree, where would they disagree? In this episode, I meet these dream pioneers and ask them

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