Tag Archives: instinct

Episode 215 The Dream Show: The shaman, the beast, and the nature of time

As we approach the tenth anniversary of The Dream Show, we look back at how it all began before sweeping into a theme of how past, present, and future intertwine in our dreams and in waking life. You’ll meet a shaman and a boy-beast from my dreams, and discover how I worked out what they

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Sting’s Dream of the Blue Turtles

How creative is your dreaming mind at weaving what’s happening around you while you sleep into a dream? Someone knocking on your door, an alarm clock that fails to wake you, a snoring partner, a cooking smell, a cold blast of air, can all find their ways into a dream, but usually in a surreal

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Dreamvolution – help with facing change

When life presents you with change, how do you usually respond? Do you resist, hanging on to the way you have always done things, sticking to the routines and habits that have always worked for you? Or do you jump right in, eager for something new, tossing the old way aside without so much as

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The Dream Show: Episode 25 Dreamvolution

When it comes to dealing with change, are you a dinosaur, a giraffe or a kangaroo? Challenging times can bring our basic instincts to the fore, and these often appear as animals in our dreams. This episode, Dreamvolution, helps you to understand your dreams in times of change, and introduces a dream alchemy practice you

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