Tag Archives: healing

Foraging for treasure

I was admiring photos of broken pieces of antique pottery, hand blown glass, a clay pipe, and an inkwell, all mudlarking treasures foraged from English river mud by Carys, a friend on Instagram, and it took me back to childhood expeditions to the gardening allotments near my grandmother’s house in Portsmouth, England. Portsmouth was heavily

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Dream medicine

Close your eyes, it’s late in the evening, and time for your dream medicine. Here we go, counting down now, ten, nine, eight, relaxing, floating deeply down, let the healing begin. No drugs required, but the prescription is clear: dream. Sometimes the medicine is sweet and tasty, a deliciously sensual dream gifting grace and restoration,

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Episode 191 The Dream Show: Dark to light

Rachel is my guest this episode, with a dream that gently uses symbolism and a safe space to begin to heal traumatic abuse from her childhood. Rachel is the last of our ‘email guests’, so you’ll hear our email conversation about the dream, its interpretation, the dream alchemy, and Rachel’s responses. Through our conversation, Rachel

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Episode 169 The Dream Show: Three scorpions

“You don’t have enough nightmares on The Dream Show,” said Abigail, my guest in this episode, “so I’m bringing mine, a nightmare about three scorpions.” The dream is scary enough, as Abigail notices three scorpions in her bedroom, and zooms in, in the nightmare, to their shiny black stinging tails. One has her cornered. Should

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Silent voices

“You’ll live to regret it if you don’t try,” “It’s too risky,” “Change is good,” “You’ll lose everything you’ve worked for,” “It’s everything you’ve ever worked for,” “Better to be safe than sorry,” “You’ll get hurt again,” “You’ll be happy,” “Opportunities like this come once in a lifetime,” “It looks too good to be true,”

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Dream interpretation: choosing a dream

“How do I know which dream to start with?” emailed Tim, eager to begin applying some of my techniques. Tim remembers four or five dreams a night, and realises that working in depth with one dream a day would be too much. “I was hoping you might answer my question in a blog,” she said.

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