Tag Archives: ghost

Sliding doors and spooky tales

This little cupboard has moved from house to house within our family for years, and we have always forgiven it for its one fault, doors that open whenever you walk past. The bolt that is designed to keep the doors closed is too short for the task, losing its grip and slipping out at the

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Episode 156 The Dream Show: A spiritual vibe

My guest, Liza, dreamed she was violated by a plumber at her grandmother’s house, and yet, as the dream progressed, the positive energy lifted. There was the welcoming of an Aboriginal ghost couple into her current home, and someone commented that there was a beautiful vine growing outside her house and a lovely spiritual vibe

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Episode 133 The Dream Show: Dream stories and breakfast radio

Dreams of worms, snakes, rats, ghosts, and bare bottoms, and what they mean, have all been topics on breakfast radio or drive radio when I’ve been on air as the dream expert, taking calls from listeners or interpreting presenters’ dreams. I enjoy radio work, and over the last couple of decades have discussed, interpreted, or

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Things that go bump in the night

Ever woken to eerie sounds in the night, or a feeling of your skin being touched when you’re sleeping alone, or been scared out of your wits when you’ve opened your eyes to see ghosts or strange things going on in your bedroom? As utterly convincing and frightening as these sensations are, it’s important to

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Killer ghosts

“I dreamed ghosts were coming out from the walls and mirrors upstairs, killing people,” said Lynn, who called Radio 2GB this week when I was interpreting dreams on Chris Smith’s afternoon show. “In the dream, I thought I have to get mum to come and clean the house,” she added. What does it mean? Lynn

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The Dream Show: Episode 22 Dreams of death, dying and the departed

Dreams of Death, Dying and the Departed. This week’s episode is for our many listeners who have asked for more specific details about death dreams. Instead of talking with a guest dreamer, we discuss dreams of death, dying and the departed – including dreams of haunting and evil presences. These common, scary dreams, once understood,

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