Tag Archives: food

Beyond cure and prevention

What drives you to consult a doctor, therapist, or counsellor? Do you book an appointment when you’re sick, suffering, stressed, blocked, or faced with a conflict or problem you can’t solve? Do you book seeking a cure for your ills, physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual? Do you also consult when you are feeling well, seeking

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Radio 2UE: Rat race or mouse trap?

Stacey phoned Radio 2UE last week when I was interpreting dreams on Andrew Daddo’s show. She’d been dreaming the same dream every other night for 6 months, and wondered why. In each dream, she rescued some mice from danger, then kept forgetting to feed them. She had rescued them from one danger and now they

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Are we there yet?

“Are we there yet?” It’s the third time five year old junior in the back seat of your car has asked the same question. You only left home ten minutes ago and with 150k still to go that’s another umpteen times you’re going to field the same question. Try telling him life’s not about the

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