Tag Archives: flow

All the world’s a stage

The moment has come to step out on stage and perform in front of an audience but you haven’t prepared. Worse than this, you know zilch. It’s a common dream theme, and you’ve probably had a variation of it at some point in your life. What did you make of it? How did you relate

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Episode 161 The Dream Show: How to move past stuck

Is there one area in your life where you feel stuck, or one problem that you can’t fix no matter how many different solutions you try? In this episode, we go back to basics to see how your dreams can help you to move the apparently immoveable, to solve the apparently unsolvable. Enjoy this mix

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Even mountains flow

Even mountains flow. What does this mean to you? How do mountains flow in the physical world? Count the ways before reading on. We might think of mountains as solid, reliably static defining features of our landscape. We might chip away at them, quarrying rock, building roads, blasting tunnels, but still think of the mountain itself as

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Backwards or forwards?

This morning, I sat in the bow end of a small speedboat, my back to the direction of travel, as we idled along a broad river. A perfect cooling breeze, a heavenly way to start the day. An elderly man sat on the riverbank, singing the boat into motion. This was a dream, of course.

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