Tag Archives: eye


I have just emailed Issue 200 of our monthly Dream Sight News out to our subscribers, and shared the article I wrote for our first issue, back on 11.11.1998. The story is old, but still true. I guess it’s the story behind my dream sight, my in-sight. I called the article I-Sight, and thought I’d

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Perfect but for one little thing

Three ideas for today’s blog jostled in my head, but which to choose? It was one of those perfect mornings, just back from yoga, sipping coffee in a garden still wet from overnight rain, a balmy breeze, birds chirping happily as they flitted through the trees feasting on the array of delicacies rain brings, just

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Episode 132 The Dream Show: Open your eyes

Isn’t it interesting that when we see something new, we first try to fit it with what we already know? Our tendency is to categorise this with that, to file today’s experiences to fit in with yesterday’s, to make sense of our world by making it connect with the picture we have been building, day

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Episode 122 The Dream Show: The beholder

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What you see is what you get, depending on how you see it. As your eye changes – as your experiences change – so does what you get. Have you noticed how a favourite story from childhood is different when you reread it as an adult? Or

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