Tag Archives: driving

Episode 226 The Dream Show: Navigating the path

Welcome to my world, as I explore one of my synchronicity stories and two of my dreams, imparting interpretation tips while sharing stories from my life, past, present, and future. How can you use your dreams and spine-tingling synchronicities to help navigate your path? And here’s a hot-off-the-press addition to the synchronicity related in this

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Episode 210 The Dream Show: Driving from the back seat

Cynthia, from St Louis, Missouri, is my guest with a dream about finding herself in the back seat of a car, traveling downhill fast, with no driver. Summoning pure will, she got the car to slow down, turn in the required direction, and stop. She got out, settled herself into the driving seat, and noticed

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2012 Wake up call

What’s your recurring dream? If you’ve been following my blog, listening to my podcasts, and reading my books, and you’re still experiencing a recurring dream, today’s post is your wake up call. It’s time to put what you’ve been learning into action if you want to enjoy life changing results in 2012! Let’s review the

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What drives you to get out of bed in the morning? Hunger for food, a full bladder, a sense of duty, a need to earn money, a passion for your work, your baby’s cry, fear of being late for work, hunger for success, a sense of adventure? Before reading on, have a think about all

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Radio HotFM 95.7 Gravestone dream

I was interpreting dreams on Chippy and Step’s Morning Juice breakfast show on Radio HotFM WA 95.7 this morning. One of the callers was Rebecca, who had dreamed she was driving along their main highway and had reached the point where they’re building a new road. So far, everything in the dream was as it

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