Tag Archives: drive

Episode 172 The Dream Show: Trying to stay in control of my car

Karen is my guest with a scary dream about trying to stay in control of her car. She notices the fuel is low, but how low exactly? Has she got enough petrol to get home or is she close to running on empty? Her body is in the driver’s seat but suddenly her mind is

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Dream vibrations and the LOA

I am often asked about the Law of Attraction, and whether nightmares and dreams with negative vibes attract negative people and events into our lives. It’s a good question. So, let’s explore: Books about the Law of Attraction have enjoyed waves of popularity since the early 1900s, with a recent resurgence in the early 1990s

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Radio ABC Victoria: Joy flight

“I dream of flying a single propeller plane,” said David, who called me this afternoon on Kathy Bedford’s Statewide Drive show on Radio ABC Victoria. “I take off and although I don’t know how to drive it, I land it safely.” David feels ecstatic in his recurring dream. I’m sure David said ‘drive’ not ‘fly’,

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What drives you to get out of bed in the morning? Hunger for food, a full bladder, a sense of duty, a need to earn money, a passion for your work, your baby’s cry, fear of being late for work, hunger for success, a sense of adventure? Before reading on, have a think about all

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