Tag Archives: dream incubation

Episode 256 The Dream Show: Dream incubation

We pause our guest-format to celebrate 13 years of podcasting The Dream Show and to explore the immense treasures and opportunities offered by our dreams. This episode brings you tips on how to incubate a dream about a specific topic, and shares some of my earlier research on the surprising things that happened when I

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Ideas from dreams

What have Robert Louis Stevenson, Stephen King, and Stephanie Myer got in common? They’re world famous authors, they’ve written dark novels (horror or vampires), and they share similar names. But that’s not all. They’ve each based at least one of their books on a dream. Stephanie Myer had written a chapter here and there over

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Episode 64 The Dream Show: Sleep on it

We catch up with Barbara who was my guest in episode 48, to discover how her life has changed since having her dream interpreted and doing her dream alchemy. The universe – and dream alchemy – work in unexpectedly wonderful ways to deliver the results we desire, as they have for Barbara. One of our

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