Tag Archives: dream alchemy result

How to use recurring dreams to resolve practical life issues

What kind of practical results can you expect to see in your life when you understand a dream and apply dream alchemy? Last month I was a guest on Ruby and Dave’s breakfast show on Radio 94.9, chatting about dreams and taking calls from listeners. One of the callers, Ian, asked about a recurring dream

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Ep 74 update, Abigail: An unbelievable miracle

“I did feel a major depression lift … I feel good connections, I feel accepted.  It’s an unbelievable miracle!” – Abigail, on the outcome of having her dream interpreted in episode 74. Having a dream interpreted and taking action by doing the prescribed dream alchemy practice creates life changing results. First up are immediate results

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Dream alchemy art

Not everyone is a gifted artist, but a surprising number of my clients are either professional artists (painters, writers, musicians) or discover artistic skills during the course of their work with me. Many times I’ve experienced the joy of being shown a piece of dream alchemy artwork (over a skype cam during a consultation or

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Rose alchemy – update from Ann, ep 82

“Our relationship has blossomed into something better than it was before,” says Ann, sharing her progress since having her dream interpreted in episode 82 of  The Dream Show three months ago. Ann had dreamed of birds trapped in her home after getting in through broken blinds, unable to find their way out again. When we

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The Day Brightener

One of the joys of my work as a dream alchemist is to witness and celebrate the intense, skillful creativity that often accompanies personal transformation.  It’s as if the deep change the person experiences carries a healing energy that demands a more public expression and draws on latent talents to achieve this.  Awakened meaningful purpose

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Success is flowing: update from Renee, episode 67

Renee, my podcast guest in episode 67,  asked me to share her news since having her dream interpreted on the show: “I want to give you an update on how things have been since you interpreted two of my dreams. I recently published a book called Perfect Feedback (Receiving the Answers From Within)! Yay! After you

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