Tag Archives: depression

Cheating dreams

Video opens in a new window “I dreamed my partner was cheating on me. It felt so real. Should I confront him? Please help.” Every week I receive at least one email asking me about cheating dreams. So, what’s the answer? Is the dream picking up on the partner’s actual cheating behaviour or unfulfilled desires?

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Ep 74 update, Abigail: An unbelievable miracle

“I did feel a major depression lift … I feel good connections, I feel accepted.  It’s an unbelievable miracle!” – Abigail, on the outcome of having her dream interpreted in episode 74. Having a dream interpreted and taking action by doing the prescribed dream alchemy practice creates life changing results. First up are immediate results

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Episode 65 The Dream Show: A ghostwriter’s nightmare

Meet my husband, ghostwriter Michael Collins, who comes onto today’s episode in several guises (as ghostwriters are wont to do). Michael has been an integral part of these podcasts since the first episode, doing the technical side of the show, and I thought it was time you got to know him a little more. After

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