Tag Archives: creativity

All the world’s a stage

The moment has come to step out on stage and perform in front of an audience but you haven’t prepared. Worse than this, you know zilch. It’s a common dream theme, and you’ve probably had a variation of it at some point in your life. What did you make of it? How did you relate

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Dream alchemy art

Not everyone is a gifted artist, but a surprising number of my clients are either professional artists (painters, writers, musicians) or discover artistic skills during the course of their work with me. Many times I’ve experienced the joy of being shown a piece of dream alchemy artwork (over a skype cam during a consultation or

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The Day Brightener

One of the joys of my work as a dream alchemist is to witness and celebrate the intense, skillful creativity that often accompanies personal transformation.  It’s as if the deep change the person experiences carries a healing energy that demands a more public expression and draws on latent talents to achieve this.  Awakened meaningful purpose

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What if?

A man dreamed he was crawling over a mosaic floor, checking for missing tiles. The job seemed endless. What if … he climbed the stairs and looked down on the mosaic floor instead of crawling over it? Would the missing tiles be easier to spot? We’ll come back to Mosaic Man and his dream later,

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