Tag Archives: chased

Are dreams rehearsals for life?

There’s a widespread theory that our dreams are mental dress rehearsals for life. Might this be true? Do we practice and learn life skills in the safe space of our dreams? Well, yes, and no. The theory is usually put like this: Imagine our ancestors dreaming about being chased by wolves. Imagine them dreaming of

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Episode 147 The Dream Show: Pursued by love

Renee is my guest having her dream interpreted on The Dream Show.  What do you do when a rich foreigner opens his heart, shines his love, and literally offers you the world? In Renee’s dream, you run! “She’s too stupid to see he’s trying to help her,” shout some people in a bowling alley as

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Asking God about thunder

Emma dreamed that she could ask God one question about the world. She considered, deeply, and then decided. “Where does thunder come from?” By this time in her dream, God had become a more earthly Australian actor, Chris Hemsworth. He indicated the sky, teeming with rhinos. What have rhinos got to do with cause of

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