Tag Archives: change

Episode 140 The Dream Show: Roll out the lime green carpet

Julie is my guest having her dream interpreted in this episode of The Dream Show. She dreamed her sister-in-law visited her and laid some new carpet using a new gas vacuuming process. “Hmm, everything changes,” thought Julie in the dream, and she quite liked the result at first – crimson, turquoise, deep blue – but

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Episode 138 The Dream Show: The facts of life

What a fluid world we live in, a world where yesterday’s fiction frequently becomes today’s fact (think sci-fi and technology), and yesterday’s fact can easily crumble into fiction (think scientific research disproving previous findings). What a job our dreaming minds have, every night, processing our waking life experiences, sorting the facts from the fiction, the

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Episode 137 The Dream Show: Things that go bump in the night

Have you ever woken from a dream only to find yourself in another dream? At first you think you are awake, but it slowly dawns on you that you’re still dreaming. And then it happens again, and again, until you might be excused, on finally waking up, to question your reality. Are you awake or

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Episode 128 The Dream Show: When redundancy threatens and nightmares begin

Around 20,000 public servants with permanent or long term contracts in Brisbane are expected to lose their jobs over the coming weeks. Some already know their fate, while others turn up to work each day not knowing whether their job will be axed or retained. What kind of dreams are they experiencing as they go

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How to use recurring dreams to resolve practical life issues

What kind of practical results can you expect to see in your life when you understand a dream and apply dream alchemy? Last month I was a guest on Ruby and Dave’s breakfast show on Radio 94.9, chatting about dreams and taking calls from listeners. One of the callers, Ian, asked about a recurring dream

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Cheating dreams

Video opens in a new window “I dreamed my partner was cheating on me. It felt so real. Should I confront him? Please help.” Every week I receive at least one email asking me about cheating dreams. So, what’s the answer? Is the dream picking up on the partner’s actual cheating behaviour or unfulfilled desires?

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Love your bad dreams

Here’s a simple formula to apply when you have an unsettling or frightening dream and you want to reduce the chances of having it again. Actually, it’s far more powerful than this. Not only does this formula ease your dreams, it also creates deep and lasting positive change in your waking life by subtly reprogramming

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