Tag Archives: car

Dream interpretation results: Jeremy’s news, episode 50

Here’s an update from Jeremy, my guest in podcast episode 50, The Dream Show. You may remember Jeremy dreamed of being a passenger in a cadillac, feeling unsure about where he was being driven, and there was a question of whether he should take the two painful beauty injections on offer, a long shot and

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Dream vibrations and the LOA

I am often asked about the Law of Attraction, and whether nightmares and dreams with negative vibes attract negative people and events into our lives. It’s a good question. So, let’s explore: Books about the Law of Attraction have enjoyed waves of popularity since the early 1900s, with a recent resurgence in the early 1990s

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What drives you to get out of bed in the morning? Hunger for food, a full bladder, a sense of duty, a need to earn money, a passion for your work, your baby’s cry, fear of being late for work, hunger for success, a sense of adventure? Before reading on, have a think about all

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ABC QLD Recurring death dream

“Three nights in a row this week I dreamed I died in a car accident, and I was frantically trying to contact my husband to discuss the funeral arrangements,” said Gail, one of the callers to my dream interpretation segment on Stacey Katter’s afternoon show today on Radio ABC QLD. What does it mean? “It’s

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