Tag Archives: baby

Episode 163 The Dream Show: Pan and the pagan ritual

  “It’s a really gross dream,” said Vashti, my guest in this episode, “and I was shocked by it. I’m curious, because how I was in the dream is not like me in waking life.” Some of the elements include a baby that someone keeps putting into a toilet on a nest of toilet paper

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Cheating dreams

Video opens in a new window “I dreamed my partner was cheating on me. It felt so real. Should I confront him? Please help.” Every week I receive at least one email asking me about cheating dreams. So, what’s the answer? Is the dream picking up on the partner’s actual cheating behaviour or unfulfilled desires?

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Life lessons

“Are we meant to learn lessons from our dreams?” asked Cheryl, in an email I received this week. It’s a good question, both simple and complex, and one many people ask. So, are we meant to learn lessons from our dreams? I’ve been watching Isobel, my eight month old granddaughter, learning to crawl. You might

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Spot the belief

Had a tough day? Ready for a spot of light relief, a bit of fun, a dream interpretation game that’s easy to do yet powerfully insightful? You may never look at your dreams in the same way ever again. It’s called Spot the Belief. This is what to do: For each of the following dreams,

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Dream interpretation: Recurring dreams

Do you have a recurring dream theme? I asked this question on my Facebook page on Monday, to gather some material for today’s blog and to provide some glimpses into what these dreams mean. So thanks for your contributions, guys, and read on! First up, remember that a dream reflects your conscious and unconscious experiences

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Episode 54 The Dream Show: Resurrection & birth

Angela is my guest with a dream she had last week while her mother was receiving chemotherapy. In the dream, her mother became well in a scene akin to a resurrection, and Angela gave birth to a baby but worried that she wasn’t prepared emotionally for motherhood. The measurements of the baby were given: 19.5,

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