Tag Archives: authentic

The secret of life

When I was about six or seven, an aunt gave me an autograph book for my birthday. I can still picture it (Post script, June 2015: while moving house I found it, that’s it in the header image!), a padded matt white vinyl cover with an illustration of a modish 1960s lady, pen poised in

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The Princess and the Pea

What’s the moral of the story of The Princess and the Pea? I’ve been putting people on the spot with this question, and I’ve received so many different replies. Before reading on, if you remember the story, give yourself a few moments and jot down the moral that you’ve always taken from this tale. Need

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Dream interpretation results: Margaret’s news, episode 55

Here’s an update from Margaret who was my guest in episode 55 of The Dream Show. “Where do I start? So, so much has happened. The dream we discussed was a recurring dream theme. It turned out to be about how I’ve needed to manipulate situations so I can do what I want or show

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