Tag Archives: anger

Episode 151 The Dream Show: A cruel punishment

Carmen, my guest this episode, dreamed of a white carthorse decorated in rainbow paint, dragging a cart without wheels, and carrying the heavy wheel axle in its mouth as a cruel punishment. But punishment for what? Meanwhile there’s a jeep that needs to be fixed, but the chances are that the guy who owns it

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When affirmations and visualisations fail

How many times have you set an intention and created an affirmation or visualisation to guide its manifestation, only to fail or even magnify the problem? Here’s a simple example. You decide it’s time to get serious about losing some weight. You decide to do this by changing to a healthier diet. It’s all quite

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Episode 148 The Dream Show: Intense emotions in dreams

We begin with the light-hearted, a bit of fun and a laugh to illustrate just how far the unconscious can go to try to save us from feeling pain, yet how that same unconscious can speak loud and clear in waking life once you know how to look and listen. It speaks even more clearly

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Episode 144 The Dream Show: Relationship Breakup Dreams

Katie is my guest asking about a dream she had the night after breaking up with her boyfriend. In the dream, her boyfriend carries on with another girl at a party as if Katie’s invisible. She’s so angry that she violently throws another girl onto her back, again and again, while the girl just laughs

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Messages from the other side?

When someone who has died appears to you in a dream, are they communicating with you from spirit, or are these dreams symbolic? Dreaming of a loved one after death can be the most precious, comforting, uplifting experience, especially when the dream is full of love, embraces, and tender messages, and when the person looks

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