Tag Archives: alien

Episode 126 The Dream Show: Predator

Renee is my guest with a dream that gifts her with multiple insights about her life once it is interpreted. Renee’s dream is dramatic, laugh out loud funny at some points, magnificently cinematic at others, and compelling throughout for dream detectives fascinated by the way our dreams express key aspects of our waking lives. You’ll

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Episode 124 The Dream Show: Spacecraft

Jason from Seattle dreamed of viewing the magnificence of outer space from a spacecraft, before landing back on Earth. He had been abducted by aliens, and knew they would find him again. Back home there’s maths homework to do, a blood transfusion to endure against his will, and a sense of deep sadness connected with

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Dream interpretation: End of the world

  Many people dream of the end of the world and get really scared, assuming they’ve previewed a coming reality, but, of course, dreams are symbolic. Here’s a short one posted to the one-day dream forum last month, followed by my interpretation. “I’ve been having constant dreams about aliens arriving, and/or aliens influencing our lives. I

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