Thank you for your interest in being a guest on my podcast, ‘The Dream Show with Jane Teresa Anderson’.
As my guest:
You may be an author, a media personality, an artist, a community leader, an entrepreneur, a therapist, an instigator for change, a pioneer, a speaker (the list is endless).
As my guest, you share a dream for us to explore and interpret. (A dream you have while you’re asleep, not a vision of where you want to be in life!)
Think of it as a podcast conversation with a difference: our audience learns about you (and your story, service, or product) through a glimpse into your inner world. We begin with your dream and springboard into our conversation from there. We’ll draw out your story, go wherever the muse takes us. Some guests prefer to spend about ten minutes on their dream, others like to spend longer. Either way, this is an opportunity to invite our audience to get to know you on a more personal level and build rapport with both you and what you have to offer (your services, products).
CONTACT ME to be a guest
Please email me at (putting GUEST in the subject line) to express your interest in being a guest on the show. Don’t tell me about your dream! The concept is for me to hear your dream for the first time when we start recording – our listeners enjoy it more that way. I’ll reply within 1-2 business days.
How it works
Your dream
Your dream can be any length. Short dreams are equally as interesting and fascinating to explore as longer dreams. Just choose a dream that intrigues you.
The recording (all episodes are pre-recorded)
I use Zoom by video to record our conversation, as I like to see you, but the podcast is audio only. You’ll need to set aside 45-60 minutes.
Your time zone
We have guests from all over the world. We’ll find a time to record that works well for us both.
What you need
You need to have a strong internet connection and headphones or earbuds. (Wired earbuds and a phone work really well.)