Dream interpretation results: Suzanne’s news, episode 45

Dream Interpretation Results Suzannes News Jane Teresa Anderson

Here’s an update from Suzanne, my guest on podcast episode 45, The Dream Show.

Suzanne had dreamed of a prickly cactus obstructing her way in her dream. There was mud to one side, rocks to the other, and no shoes to protect her feet. We discussed her dream on the podcast. Suzanne now reports:

“At the time of the dream, a team mate at work was as prickly as a cactus, a real impediment to our progress, just like the cactus in the dream. Our work path felt prickly, muddy, rotting, murky, stormy and unclear.

He’s since left the team! It’s a 180 degree difference, and I learned after he left that he made EVERYONE on the team feel like we weren’t good enough.”

When you do alchemy, things shift, and for Suzanne, the energy at work shifted – as well as the team mate. When your inner world shifts, your outer world reflects the change. I have often witnessed clients (and podcast guests) experiencing changes in personnel and team structures at work when they do alchemy.

As we become more conscious of challenges and conflicts they begin to resolve at a subtle level and everyone moves on. Back to Suzanne:

“I’m realizing, as you said in the podcast, that my being barefoot in the dream was a good thing. (I had thought it was a mistake – that I just needed better protective footwear.) You said that being barefoot was grounding, and I didn’t realize it but I was really in tune with something going on with this team mate, and it was when I was listening to the podcast again that all this fell into place.

Work had just stunk and I guess I didn’t want to admit to myself that it was so bad. Now that he’s gone and other people have talked about how good it was that he left, I can see it better. And now I can see so many little symbols in the dream that related to the ambivalence, impediment, and sorrow.

What you said in the podcast about emotional debt – that someone does you a kindness and you end up paying a hundred times more – and how this is related to having no boundaries, well, the team is working directly on setting boundaries, knowing our worth and acting in accord with that.

In the podcast we also talked about my ex. Well, he was not only not rigid like my father, but he was also muddy and ambivalent. I wasn’t sure if he really loved me or not. I never really knew where I stood with him. The same went for my cactus team mate.”

Now that Suzanne can see the similarities between her ex and her team mate, she is clearer about the way she used to respond around these energies, and is now freed to respond differently. As Suzanne put it:

“I was going about life at work feeling inadequate – like I did with the ex – basically paddling myself with the cactus paddles all the time because I was never good enough.”

In a recent dream, Suzanne found herself back in the same location as the cactus dream, but with positive changes, reflecting her progress with her alchemy:

“In the new dream I was up a level, in a stone room with a great view. I know I’m not at the final destination, but it’s better! And although I haven’t taken off yet in the plane (like my alchemy), I can really feel it’s possible and coming. I now know I’m just fine and worthy of a first class seat.”

You can listen to the original episode in which Suzanne and I discuss her dream here.

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