Episode 73 The Dream Show: Air bubble

Episode 73 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

Melanie is my guest, with a healing dream, though you might wonder why a disturbing dream involving death can possibly be a healing dream.

It all goes to show that dreams are not what they seem, and the most distressing dreams can sometimes be the most healing.

Melanie dreamed that she administered an injection to a man who was having an allergic reaction, but there was an air bubble in the syringe and it killed him. If that was not bad enough, he turned into a little girl who also died.

You’ll be amazed when we uncover the meaning of that air bubble when Melanie provides the waking life details that relate to the dream.

You’ve got to hand it to the unconscious mind: it may seem nonsensical at first glance but it is deeply intricate, complex, and an accurate reflection of our waking experiences once you understand how to read it through dreams. And once you understand how to read it, you understand how to communicate with it (by applying dream alchemy) to create positive changes that ripple through into waking life. You’ll witness this as Melanie goes through a dream alchemy process during this episode.

You can listen here (Episode 73)

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