Episode 45 The Dream Show: Prickly cactus

Episode 45 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

Today’s guest, Suzanne, has a prickly cactus obstructing her way in her dream. Mud to one side, rocks to the other, and no shoes to protect her feet.

Could the letter written in red ink and carefully folded into three help?

Well, yes, because everything becomes clear when a dream is interpreted.

If you love a bit of dream detective work, you’ll love following the clues as we reach Aha upon Aha as Suzanne and I chat about her dream.

Listen as Suzanne makes all the connections to what’s happening in her waking life, and as she notices her physical body responses to the interpretation.

Does Suzanne discover the way forward? Oh yes, and there’s plenty of insight for you too: listen!

You can listen here (Episode 45)

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