Episode 262 The Dream Show: Walruses and sea lions

Episode 262 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson Walruses and Sea Lions

Molly from New York, USA, is our guest exploring her dream about mountain-sized walruses and sea lions that crashed to earth.

In her dream, she enjoyed an exhilarating flight with her friend before crash landing, followed shortly by the enormous, plummeting walruses and sea lions.

Why did Molly, when she tried to explain her friend to her family and other friends, misgender her twice, calling her ‘he’?

I’m not going to spoil the dream story, but I will say that it ended in the children’s books section of a library. Are you curious?

Listen as we explore Molly’s dream to discover how it relates to her situation, and what insights she can discover about her unconscious mindset and how it influences the way she lives her life. Oh, and we discuss some possible dream alchemy for Molly to do to help shift her mindset in a more fulfilling direction.


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