Episode 252 The Dream Show: The naked party

Episode 252 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

MaryBeth, from Portland, Oregon, US, is my guest asking about her dream where everyone at a party is naked.

MaryBeth dreamed she was at work, and when she opened the storage cupboard door it led to another wing, a mirror image of her current workplace but with larger, better rooms and more equipment. She was particularly amazed by the sand tray room where she wanted to stay, but she and her husband had agreed to go on a camping trip, so she had to leave.

I won’t spoil the story, which you’ll enjoy as you listen, but toward the end of her dream MaryBeth is encouraged to remove her T-shirt before joining a party where everyone is naked. Does she, or doesn’t she? What happens next?

What does MaryBeth’s dream mean, how does it relate to her life, and what meaningful and practical insight can she draw?

Listen as we explore MaryBeth’s dream!


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